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Injunction stalls UBP/BDA merger

UBP MPs Kim Swan and Charlie Swan talk to lawyer Graveney Bannister and Devrae Noel-Simmons outside court this morning.

Opposition leader Kim Swan, together with other UBP members, today won a temporary injunction stalling the party’s planned merger with the Bermuda Democractic Alliance.Last week, UBP members voted to disband and join forces with the BDA to form a new party called the One Bermuda Alliance, or OBA.But in Commercial Court today, attorney Graveney Bannister said the group of opposition members were putting forward a constitutional challenge as to how the dissolution of the party and the merger is being carried out.A writ was filed this morning with Mr Swan and other UBP figures, including MP Charles Swan, UBP candidate Devrae Noel-Simmons and party joint chairman Montell Currin among others as complainants.UBP Senator Jeanne Atherden and MPs Trevor Moniz and John Barritt, the interim leader of the OBA, were listed as respondents.Mr Bannister told Pusine Judge Ian Kawaley that the voting process during last week’s vote was “fundamentally flawed,” saying: “There was no electoral role, so no one knew who was in and who was out.”None of the three listed respondents attended the appearance, but Justice Kawaley said they would have 24 hours to respond, granting an interim injunction.“I’m satisfied that there is a serious issue to be tried,” he said.