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Regiment gets training in unarmed combat and capsize drills

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The Bermuda Regiment has begun its final phase of its overseas camp - including some of the toughest elements the soldiers will have to face including confidence courses, unarmed combat, and capsize drills.Soldiers from the Regiment are on their annual Camp Lejeune in Carolina experiencing hot dry days and cold nights.Major Julian Wheddon, the Regiment’s Training Officer, said: “The troops have performed very well indeed. Not only are their soldiering skills at a good standard, but they are well disciplined, and not giving in to the fatigue that is wearing on all of them.“They aren’t acting as teams, they are teams, drawing strength and relying on each other when it gets difficult. They are communicating well and developing from each new challenge that they face and overcome. They should be proud of themselves I am definitely proud of what we have done.”He said that the Marines who have been embedded with the Regiment have remarked on many occasions that the Regiment’s genial troops bring a fresh perspective to soldiering, and that the “Bermudian sense of humour is first rate”.The Regiment’s Commanding Officer, Lt Col Brian Gonsalves said: “The troops have displayed a more mature attitude this year than previous years. When they are getting debriefs they are ready to accept criticism and make changes to avoid making the same mistakes, and they are reaping the benefits.“There is a healthy level of competition between the sections and that is good for everyone. I understand that not everyone wants to be in the Army, but you wouldn’t see that when observing the contingent that has come over this year. There’s no obvious resistance, and I think that’s because we have all worked hard to ensure the activities are enjoyable. The training team and all of the instructors have done a splendid job.”