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Queen's Birthday Honours for seven Bermudians

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Garry Madeiros, a former Belco CEO, was awarded an OBE for his services as the Defence Board's first civilian chairman.

The chairman of the Defence Board, along with a trailblazer in Bermuda's reinsurance industry, have been awarded OBEs in the 2011 Queen's Birthday Honours List.Garry Anthony Madeiros, a former Belco CEO, was awarded for his services as the Defence Board's first civilian chairman.Michael Action Butt, who made a global name for Bermuda when he founded the World Insurance Forum, was also made an OBE for his services to the Island's reinsurance industry.Retired Assistant Commissioner of the Bermuda Police Service Carlton Eugene Adams was made Member of the British Empire, as was community service volunteer Eugene Sinclair Vickers.Queen's Certificates and Badges of Honour went to Patti-Jean Juanette Millett, Linda Russell and Alicia Zuill. Mrs Millett has a long career in education and children's care; Mrs Russell provides meals and assistance to the needy, and Ms Zuill is known for dedicated work with children, including the handicapped.The list of seven was released for recognition earlier today. The honours list is published twice yearly: at mid-June, to coincide with the Queen's official birthday, and at the New Year.Useful web link: www.direct.gov.uk

Michael Butt, was made an OBE for his services to the Island's reinsurance industry.
Retired Assistant Commissioner of the Bermuda Police Service Carlton Adams was made Member of the British Empire
Community service volunteer Eugene Vickers was made an MBE
Alicia Zuill was awarded the Queen's Certificate and Badge of Honour
Linda Russell was awarded the Queen's Certificate and Badge of Honour
Patti-Jean Juanette Millett was awarded the Queen's Certificate and Badge of Honour.