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Tributes to Dame Lois’ husband

John Evans, the husband of former Progressive Labour Party leader Dame Lois Browne-Evans, died late on Thursday evening.Premier Paula Cox led tributes in the House of Assembly on Friday, where Mr Evans was described as the silent rock on which one of Bermuda’s political legends was built. “Together they raised three children in the family home, however, it can be said that they also had their hands in the raising of a nation,” said the PLP in a statement.Mr Evans was born in Trinidad and migrated to Bermuda after marrying Lois Browne; they were the parents of Donald, Tina and Nadine.Ms Cox said in a statement: “The late Mr ‘Sir’ John Evans was a Trojan and a rock.“He was a magnet: attracting people of all walks of life who would discuss local and Caribbean politics with him. He was considered astute and his political advice was often sought after.“He was well-known, especially in local political circles and was considered a wise and wily grass roots politician by politicos of various stripes. Many would routinely seek Mr John Evans or ‘Sir John’ as he was fondly referred to for a chat.“He was comfortable in his skin with those from all different sectors of our community.“Mr ‘Sir’ John Evans called it as he saw it. He did not suffer fools gladly. His politician acumen was highly-rated. He seemed all-knowing and I enjoyed those rare occasions when you got to listen to the adults talk. He was a kind man and after my father died he would always take the time when he saw me to ask about my mother. I believe living through some politically tumultuous times spawned a closeness among members of the PLP family.“While we knew he was not as hale and hearty as he used to be, he was a fixture for many of us: a symbol and remembrance of a different time. While we appreciate the changes and progress that has occurred over the years, there is this lingering sense of nostalgia and sadness at his passing as it is also as if we are mourning the passing of an era.”The PLP statement said: “While Dame Lois spent many a day and many a night tending to the needs of her constituents and the people of Bermuda, John Evans ensured that things on the home front were taken care of. A true team they were. John Evans was the wind beneath Dame Lois’ wings. He was her confidante and source of encouragement. He was one of the many unsung heroes of the Progressive Labour Party’s march to victory.“Oftentimes, we see the public persona of a politician, and forget that he or she often has a spouse, children, and extended family. Many times, the families sacrifice much to enable the politician to do the people’s business.”Speaker Stanley Lowe was one of several MPs to pay tribute in the House on Friday. “He was one of the finest politicians that never set foot in this House,” said Mr Lowe.Environment Minister Walter Roban said: “He was the silent partner in a formidable partnership. He was a significant partner and ensured she made a contribution to the Country that was irrefutable.”