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Govt hits back over gang violence claim

Government this morning hit back at Opposition claims that no plan is in place to deal with gang violence.Shadow National Security Minister Michael Dunkley was speaking after it emerged that Government had been looking at overseas schemes, such as Chicago’s Operation Ceasefire.This morning the Minister of National Security, Wayne Perinchief, said: “Mr Dunkley’s statement bears no reflection of the facts. Targeted and sensible police deployment has yielded significant results and the people of Bermuda have noticed it and applauded it.“In each and every statement on crime the Government has clearly set out initiatives that have been implemented and the public discussion indicates that unlike Senator Dunkley, the people understand what’s on the table and what’s at stake.”Mr Perinchief added: “Mr Dunkley deliberately ignores the success of the police and the criminal justice system in bringing offenders to justice. Facts speak for themselves and the facts are that we are working every day to provide safer communities and to build on the hard work of the men and women of the Bermuda Police Service and many other agencies engaged in this fight against crime. “