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Govt drive to discover jobless total

Government has appealed for all unemployed Bermuda residents to participate in a registration drive so Government can assess the extent of the problem.The drive will run from Tuesday, June 21, through to Friday, July 1. Unemployed residents can register online at www.gov.bm or at a registration station in their parish.At a press conference this afternoon, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Kim Wilson noted that the latest statistics date back to a February 2009 labour force survey.Although the 2010 census covers the topic of employment, Ms Wilson said the information will not be available until later this year.She said of the latest initiative: “Several months ago I committed to explore various government channels to identify a reliable tool that would provide up-to-date unemployment statistics to enable the Government and private sector stakeholders to better plan, manage an address the needs of the unemployed segment of Bermuda.“The information gathered will assist with the further development of training, retraining and job placement programmes to better service the needs of the unemployed.“We recognise that today’s unemployed segment crosses all sectors and all skill levels, from the former labourer in the construction field to the former senior executive in international business. From persons with a high school diploma to persons with various technical and professional certifications. From the inexperienced to the well seasoned. We can only effectively address the needs of all of these groups if we know who you are.”–She stressed that all information will be treated in confidence. All unemployed residents are invited to participate, both Bermudian and non-Bermudian.Those with part-time employment who are not employed to the extent they wish to be may also participate.“Our goal is to register every unemployed resident in Bermuda,” said the Minister. “This is a very easy process and only takes a few minutes. It is critical that all unemployed persons participate.”The parish registration stations will be as follows:June 21 St. George’s Town Hall, 10.00 a.m. 2.00 p.m.June 21 St. David’s Cricket Club, 4.00 p.m. 8.00 p.m.June 22 Harrington Workmen’s Club, 4.00 p.m. 8.00 p.m.June 23 Devonshire Recreation Club, 4.00 p.m. 8.00 p.m.June 24 Cathedral Hall, 10.00 a.m. 3.00 p.m.June 27 Bailey’s Bay Cricket Club, 4.00 p.m. 8.00 p.m.June 28 Warwick Workmen’s Club, 4.00 p.m. 8.00 p.m.June 29 Somerset Cricket Club, 4.00 p.m. 8.00 p.m.June 30 Heron Bay Market Place, 10.00 a.m. 4.00 p.m.July 1 Cathedral Hall, 10.00 a.m. 3.00 p.m.