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‘Poverty in Paradise’ film to air at Chewstick tonight

The Chewstick Foundation is urging the public to come out tonight for a “insightful” film highlighting the plight of low income families on the Island.The showing is part of the organisation’s documentary film series entitled “BlockDocs” aiming to inspire meaningful discussion.According to charity member Deidra Lee Bean, the charity hopes to present “inspirational, provocative and insightful documentaries in a safe environment”.This week they will be showing “Poverty in Paradise: The Price We Pay”, a local documentary spearheaded by the Coalition for the Protection of Children.The film looks at the causes and effects of the widening gap in rich and poor on the Island and the hardships families face trying to provide for their children.Nicola Feldman, from The Coalition, will be on hand to discuss her experiences interacting with families who struggle to make ends meet.The film showing is free; however donations are accepted for the Chewstick Foundation’s development and empowerment programmes.Ms Bean said: “Each and every person is welcomed to attend every Thursday at the Chewstick Headquarters on the corner of Court Street and Elliot Street.“Films start at 6.30pm and depending upon the length of the movie and discussion, end around 9pm.”For more information on upcoming films and other event information contact Ms Bean on 292-2439 or e-mail deidra[AT]chewstick.org.Useful website: www.chewstick.org.