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Accused denies murder allegations

A man accused of murdering Shane Minors told a jury he was home at his aunt’s house at the time of the killing.Ronniko Burchall, 22, said allegations by his half-brother, Leroy Symons, that he was the gunman are not true, and Mr Symons is not a person who can be trusted.Mr Burchall is alleged to have shot Mr Minors dead on the doorstep of his home in South Terrace, Pembroke, at 1.12am on December 17, 2009.Mr Symons, 21, later told police he showed Mr Burchall how to use a gun and how to find the back route to Mr Minors’ home.Both men are on trial at Supreme Court accused of murder, with Mr Burchall further accused of using a firearm to commit murder. They deny the charges.Mr Burchall took to the witness stand to give evidence in his own defence this morning. He told the jury he spent the evening of December 16 at the home of his girlfriend in Cedar Park, Devonshire.He said he called a taxi and left the house at 11.45pm, later changing his time estimate to 11.40pm. He said he got to his aunt’s home in North Street, Pembroke, around 12.05am or 12.10am.“I had a pinging headache,” he told the jury, explaining his aunt, Belvina Burt, answered the door to him and he asked her for an Advil tablet.He said he then fell asleep and woke up the next morning. He said he drove to the scene of the murder off Friswell’s Hill as he wanted to see what had happened after hearing about it on the radio.Then he went to work. He explained he was working as a mechanic at the bus garage at the time, but lost his job due to the allegations against him.Quizzed by his lawyer, Jerome Lynch QC, Mr Burchall said Mr Symons his half-brother through the same mother is not truthful.“He likes to lie. He’s not someone I can trust,” he told the jury.The case continues. See tomorrow’s edition of The Royal Gazette for the full story.