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CedarBridge graduates told to aim high

All smiles from principal Kalmar Richards for the CedarBridge Academy graduates of 2011. Deputy head girl Kellina Minors, centre, will later head to Santa Cruz, Bolivia as a rotary exchange student.

The class of 2011 was today encouraged to play a part in “turning Bermuda right around” as they graduated from CedarBridge Academy.A total of 75 students donned their caps and gowns for the graduation ceremony at the Ruth Seaton James Auditorium this morning.CedarBridge principal Kalmar Richards said the graduates should “hold their heads up high” and look to a future as Bermuda's leaders.She said: “Congratulations in all your achievements over the last four years.“We are so proud of you all for overcoming all the obstacles and challenges and for staying the course. You did it.“You've grown and developed into young men and women of excellence.”She added: “I believe the class of 2011 will playa part in turning Bermuda right around.”Mrs Richards also thanked the school's staff for “laying the foundations for the future of our students” and putting “every ounce of energy” they had into their jobs.Six students were honoured for having a GPA of 3.2 and above. They were Christopher Corday, Andrew Fleming, Aisha Jones, Israel Sanchez, Thoshlae Smith, and Aly Zweiner.Other speakers at the graduation ceremony included Thaao Dill, vice chairman of the board of governors, and Jamari Douglas, who works for the Department of Tourism's New York office and graduated from the senior school in 2003.* For more pictures go to: http://www.royalgazette.com/apps/pbcs.dll/tngallery?Site=RG&Date=20110630&Category=NEWS&ArtNo=630009998&Ref=PH