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US tourist fined for bringing cannabis to Bermuda

A tourist caught at LF Wade International Airport with cannabis in his luggage has been fined in Magistrates’ Court.US visitor David Wechsler, 62, arrived on a commercial flight on June 20.After five hand-rolled cigarettes and a lighter were found in a bag of toiletries, Weschler told Customs: “It’s marijuana you got me.”It was found to be three grams of cannabis.Wechsler pleaded guilty, telling Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner that he was the father of four grown children.“I came with the idea that I would have a nice vacation,” he said. “Instead I’d look at it as a time for introspection in my life. I need to change my ways it was completely inappropriate, what I did.”Mr Warner imposed a fine of $1,500, to be paid forthwith.