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Corporation members could be quizzed by the public

The City of Hamilton is looking to get more feedback from the community by allowing members of the public to ask questions during board meetings.During a public board meeting, held this afternoon at City Hall, members discussed a motion that would create a period during meetings where audience members could ask questions.Each audience member would be able to ask one question, and would be given up to three minutes.A total of 15 minutes would be allotted for the question segment, but the board would be able to extend or reduce that time.Mr Gosling said opening the meetings for questions is an important step to improve transparency and accountability within the Corporation.“I feel that after 200 years worth of closed doors and ruling by silence, in two years, we have gone so far. It would be good to ensure that that kind of transparency remains even after the election.”The proposal is expected to come again before the board during their meeting in September.During the meeting, the board also discussed the issued of vagrants in the city, regulations regarding sandwich boards and lighting on the Front Street docks.