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Police found national squad footballer urinating in public, court

A National squad footballer who cursed at police during a struggle at Albuoy’s Point was reprimanded when he appeared in Magistrates’ Court.Lejaun Simmons, 18, of Devonshire, admitted using offensive words at police officers who told him to stop urinating in public on Sunday evening.Police officers at Albuoy’s Point found a man urinating in the cycle park at 7.20pm.Simmons refused to stop and told police: “If you’re trying to arrest me for peeing in public, the joke’s on you.”When arrested, he told police “F***k you guys” and “You guys should be going after criminals; go back to your foreign country.”Standing before Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner, Simmons said: “I want to plea for my life.”He said that he had just come off a party boat and urgently needed a bathroom.Adding that he was on the Bermuda National Football Squad and would soon go away to school, Simmons said: “I have a future in football. I’m trying to better my life.”With his mother present in court, he added that he had lost his father to gun violence within the last year.Telling him “The joke seems to be on you now”, Mr Warner pointed out that there was a public toilet by Albuoy’s Point.He said: “People like you should know better. You are a role model.”Mr Warner gave Simmons a conditional discharge for 12 months and ordered him to write a letter of apology to the Commissioner of Police.