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Teenager in aggravated burglary trial admits lying to police

A teenager charged with aggravated burglary this morning admitted lying to police in an effort to distance himself from the investigation.During a recorded police interview, defendant Leo Burgess, 17, denied that he was friends with 14-year-old Tristan Wilson, the son of the victim.However, taking the stand in Supreme Court today, he said the pair had been friends for years, with Mr Wilson calling Mr Burgess his big brother.Asked by Crown counsel Nicole Smith why he had lied, he admitted that he was trying to distance himself from the alleged offence, saying that it had been rumoured the alleged culprits were friends of Tristan.He also said that a day after the incident, a friend told him that the culprits were “Kenny, Goriko, Taniko and Blaine,” and he told the court that he believed all four were members of the MOB gang.Asked why he had not given police more information about the men, he said he was afraid of possible retaliation.“The police only care about themselves,” he said. “I was worried about my life.”He repeatedly told the court that he had nothing to do with the robbery, saying he was at home watching movies with his mother on the day of the incident.He stands charged with aggravated burglary and possessing a firearm while being under the age of 18. He has pleaded not guilty to both counts.Last week, victim Gregory Wilson described to the court being held at gunpoint in his Southampton home by four men, two wielding handguns.The suspects escaped with around $65,000 of cash and jewellery.The trial continues.