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Latest crime figures ‘not worrying’ - Commissioner

Crime has gone up by 15 percent in the last three months, compared to the first three months of the year.There were a total of 1139 crimes committed in the April to June period this year, compared to 991 in the January to March period.The second quarter of the year has also marked an upswing in overall crime of seven percent compared to the same period last year.The Bermuda Police Service released the figures today. Commissioner Michael DeSilva said the long-term trend of all crime on the Island is going down and the latest figures are “not worrying”.The last three months have recorded the sixth lowest quarterly crime figure since the beginning of the year 2000, he said.Assessing the quarterly results for April to June, he said: “We have seen upticks in many of the categories and that by itself is not worrying because the first quarter of the year for all crime is actually the lowest it’s been for many years, so to see some categories increase is really not surprising.”He added: “Certainly we would be concerned if the numbers continue to rise, but right now the year-on-year comparisons show that the crime rate is relatively low compared to recent times.”According to the Commissioner, the police get an average of 12.5 crime reports per day at the moment, compared to 14 per day a couple of years ago.A breakdown of the latest figures shows:- Crimes against the person, which include murder, manslaughter, assaults, robbery and sex attacks have gone up by ten percent compared to the start of the year. There have been 196 crimes against the person over the last three months, including two murders and two people injured in gun violence. However, the statistics are down by ten percent on the same period last year. The five-year trend is also moving slightly downwards according to the police.- Crimes against the community, which include gun offences, other weapon offences, disorder and anti-social behaviour, have gone up by 21 percent in the past three months compared to the start of the year. There were 227 such crimes in the April to June period. However, they have gone down three percent compared to the same period last year. The five-year trend is upwards.- The figures for gun offences alone show there have been 28 incidents in the past three months. Of these, 13 were confirmed, and police recovered three guns. The other 15 were unconfirmed. This is a decrease of seven incidents compared to the first three months of the year. Police admit there has been “a substantial increase in quarter on quarter firearm incidents between 2007 and 2010. However, the trend so far for 2011 shows this type of crime going downwards since it hit an all-time high last year. The total number of people shot since the dramatic increase in gang-on-gang violence in May 2009 is 62. Of those, 16 of the victims died from their injuries. So far this year, five men have been murdered and four injured.- Crimes against property, which include burglary, criminal damage and vehicle theft have gone up 15 percent compared to the start of the year and are up 16 percent on the same period last year. There have been 716 such crimes in the past three months. The five-year trend is downwards.- Traffic collisions have increased by 30 percent compared to the first three months of the year. However, they are down 11 percent compared to the same period last year. The long-term trend is decreasing.