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Ombudsman recommends special needs education review

Ombudsman Arlene Brock has recommended a review of the education provided to Bermuda’s special needs students.In a report recently tabled in Parliament, she outlined a complaint a mother made to her about the failure of the Department of Education to provide adequate schooling for her child.The Ombudsman investigated the case and found a “critical need” for the Department of Education to establish a clear policy and programmes for special needs students.Ms Brock recommended the Department of Internal Audit be asked to conduct a thorough evaluation of the Department of Education’s strategies “to determine the most effective and realistic services for all categories of special needs students”.That study, the first of its kind to be prompted by a recommendation from the Ombudsman, was due to be done in the second quarter of this year.Ms Brock said: “An Ombudsman who merely resolves individual complaints, whilst that is important, is doing only half of her job.“This complaint not only provided a resolution for one student but also, more broadly, will lead to enduring strategies to ensure that Bermuda improves its educational services for all special needs students.”In her five-month interim report for the period August 1 to December 31, 2010, she wrote: “The country should have an interest in ensuring that all such children receive the training and confidence that will enable them to become functioning, independent, contributing adults. We pay now or we pay later.”The original complaint made to Ms Brock by the parent was against the Department of Education and the Psycho-Educational Committee, which is overseen by the Department of Child and Family Services.The Ombudsman praised the Ministry of Education “for moving swiftly to implement the recommendations and rectify the complaint as soon as it had gathered adequate data”.The report, which was tabled in the House of Assembly on June 27, is available online at www.ombudsman.bm.