BIFF director will step down after 14 years at the helm
Long-standing Bermuda International Film Festival (BIFF) director Aideen Ratteray Pryse has announced she’s stepping down to make way for “new ideas and new blood”.“The film festival is renewing itself, in the process of developing a new business plan, and it seemed like a time to step aside and let someone else come in,” Ms Ratteray Pryse said last night.Advertised this week, the position of festival director has attracted healthy interest and several applications, she said.Devoted to independent film, BIFF turns 15 next year, and is at the cusp of a new phase of growth.When it was launched in 1997, the annual festival run every March brought 22 films to local screens; its offerings have tripled since.“In conjunction with a huge donation from KPMG, we embarked on a new business plan last year,” Ms Ratteray Pryse said. “They worked through everything with us.“Also, with the support of the Bank of Bermuda Foundation, we’ve had some great advice. We’re looking at the Festival’s position from an international perspective, and its position among festivals worldwide, although initially we’ll be concentrating on local issues.”After stewarding the organisation 14 years since its inception, she plans to remain on the charity’s board and continue soliciting sponsorship.The former assistant director of Planning also works part-time as an urban planning consultant. “I’m looking at continuing with that,” she said, “but at the moment I’m concentrating on how to continue helping the festival, without being front and centre.”She is also a board member for Bermuda Press Holdings, and works with Imagine Bermuda and The Centre for the Performing Arts.Confronted with “a massive amount of work through August”, the outgoing director added: “I’m not taking a break just yet.”Useful web site: