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Wi-Fi network being set up for CCTV use source

Wireless antennas and cameras on East Broadway (Photo by Mark Tatem)

Mystery antennae attached to street lights around Hamilton are understood to be part of a Wi-Fi system being set up around the city.An unofficial source told The Royal Gazette the citywide network was being developed for “internal use” by Government and the City of Hamilton.“At some point, it may be opened up to the public,” the engineer said.Boxes, cables and other hardware have been increasingly prominent on poles above streets, as well as overlooking Crow Lane.Enquiries at IT firm Decisions Bermuda, the company installing the equipment, were directed to City Hall.Hamilton Mayor Charles Gosling and City secretary Ed Benevides have indicated in the past that Wi-Fi would be used for wireless security cameras.A Police spokesman said: “In 2010 a pilot project was launched to enhance CCTV coverage beyond the City of Hamilton.“The Bermuda Police Service currently has seven new CCTV locations which are wireless systems. We are looking to expand this wireless CCTV coverage Island-wide and replace the existing wired system in the City of Hamilton. The work is being carried out by a private contractor and is ongoing.”

A wireless antenna on Front Street
A wireless antenna is shown on Church Street