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By-election candidates call for greater respect for seniors

PLP Candidate Anthony Richardson addresses the crowd at the Peace Lutheran Church which hosted a forum organised by Age Conern for the three by-election candidates to address seniors.(Photo by Akil Simmons)

Candidates for the Devonshire South Central bye-election today called for greater inclusion, respect and participation of senior citizens in the life of the country.The three candidates for the November 1 by-election,- David Sullivan (independent), Craig Cannonier (OBA) and Anthony Richardson (PLP), were invited to speak to senior citizens at a forum organised by advocacy group, Age Concern.“Somewhere we got off track and we said that someone who is over 65 is no longer productive to our community and so they must be retired out to make room for new people,” said Mr Sullivan. “And we pack them off somewhere hoping they wouldn’t be too much of a bother to us.” He added that the senior population was “ever-growing” and called for updated legislation to ensure that seniors “stay included” as all seniors had a contribution to make..“We cannot be using legislation of 60 years ago parcelling people out for 25 and 30 years and hoping they can take care of themselves. There has to be an opportunity available to you to be back and included in our society if you so wish. I would move and support anything in the legislative process that would bring our senior citizens off the liability side and back on to the asset side of the Bermuda balance.”Mr Cannonier, leader of the One Bermuda Alliance said that his vision for a senior friendly Bermuda included ensuring the safety of the community with community policing, improving street lighting, valuing the voices of senior citizens through forums.“I believe that the vision we have for Devonshire South Central allows all of our senior citizens to be able to have health care at the same cost for everyone,” Mr Cannonier said. “I envision for Devonshire South Central a place where we continue to build senior homes that are affordable” in one’s own constituency. He added that the Government should provide transportation for seniors that is reliable.“I believe that Devonshire South Central has the opportunity to live its dream of being safe, secure and cared for in your wonderful years.”Progressive Labour Party candidate Anthony Richardson said that “respect” for senior citizens was key to his vision for a senior friendly Bermuda. “If we can get to a stage of having more respect for yourselves as seniors, but also for ourselves, then we will go a very long way toward making Bermuda the place that it should be for everybody.”