Tourism, CBS planning 2012 season for award winning series
The distilling of Bermudian experience into the ‘Meet the Bermudians’ series on CBS Radio has picked up an award from the International Academy of Visual Arts (IAVA). The group has chosen the campaign for the 2011 W3 Silver Award.“The passionate people of Bermuda make it so easy to create seductive and inspiring stories,” said CBS Radio Altitude Group Executive Vice President Richard Lobel. “CBS simply puts a lens to the people of Bermuda, and captures what they do best. CBS then distributes this content on-air and on our stations’ websites.”Produced in conjunction with the Department of Tourism, the series was based on interviews with “Bermudian ambassadors” from taxi drivers to shop assistants to hoteliers. The interviews were aired in market cities such as Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Washington DC.Tourism Director William Griffith said his department looks forward to partnering with CBS on “an even better campaign for East Coast audiences next year”.