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Opposition could rethink cruise ship gambling stance

Shadow Tourism Minister Shawn Crockwell today said his party will revisit the issue of gambling on cruise ships if Government comes forward with more information on the subject.Mr Crockwell said the Opposition rejected legislation to allow in-port gaming two years ago because then Premier and Tourism Minister Ewart Brown was trying to rush it through the House of Assembly without fully explaining why it was necessary.However, after a third cruise line announced plans to cut its Bermuda schedule, Mr Crockwell suggested the One Bermuda Alliance is open to discussion.Progressive Labour Party Senator David Burt has said the Opposition should take its share of the blame for the declining cruise industry because it helped block the Prohibition of Gaming Machines Amendment Act in 2009.Seven PLP MPs also voted against the bill, which was vehemently opposed by anti-gambling groups such as the church community.According to Sen Burt, the legislation was a response to claims from cruise ship companies that their revenue projections were not being met.Mr Crockwell told a press conference today: “At the time, there was very poor consultation. That legislation was rushed to the House.“If that’s the reason these cruise ships are pulling out, we can revisit. At the time, they could not answer definitively whether it would result in cruise companies leaving and not coming back to Bermuda.“We can’t afford for our cruise industry to suffer the same plight as our air arrivals in the past.”