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W&E releases holiday waste collection schedule

The Ministry of Public works rolled out it’s holiday waste collection schedule yesterday.In the West End, residential waste will be collected on Wednesday, December 28, Friday, December 30, Wednesday, January 4 and Thursday, January 5.Recyclables in the West End will be picked up on Thursday, December 22 and Thursday, January 12, while Christmas tree collection will take place on Wednesday, January 25.In the East End, residential waste collection will take place on Thursday, December 29, Saturday December 31, Tuesday, January 3, and Friday, January 6.Recyclables will be collected on Friday, December 23 and Friday, January 13, and Christmas tree collection will take place on Wednesday, January 18.The Tynes Bay Waste-to Energy Facility, the Airport Waste Management Facility and Marsh Folly Compost Facility will all be closed on December 25, 26 and 27 and January 1 and 2.Tynes Bay Public Drop-off however will remain open as usual from 7am to 7pm.And while Public Works Minister Michael Weeks tanks the public who wish to leave gifts for their trash collectors, he asked them to refrain from leaving gifts of alcohol.“It is against the Ministry’s policy to have alcoholic beverage containers in Government vehicles, including Waste Collection trucks,” he said.Instead, he suggested dropping off gifts at the Marsh Folly Depot on Palmetto Road so they can be delivered to the appropriate waste handlers.“On behalf of this Ministry and the people of Bermuda, I thank the waste handlers who go about their business with very little fanfare, and on behalf of the staff of the Ministry of Public Works, I wish everyone a safe and joyful holiday,’ he added.