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A family that transcends flesh and blood and human will

Patrick White, Bishop of Bermuda

Patrick White, –Bishop of BermudaHoly Family-Family of GodChristmas is a family time, inspired in the first place by the Holy family and the birth of Jesus.The accounts of the Virgin birth and the faithfulness of both Mary and Joseph make us aware of God’s part in creating a new family.Through the birth of Christ the way is made open for us to become “children of God, born not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God” as it is written in the Gospel of John.Recently, I had the opportunity to speak before a gathering of Christians from many denominations in Bermuda and I called them “my brothers and sisters in Christ”.Then I asked them if they believed that. Most of them nodded and said yes. (Some were less enthusiastic!) Then I said: “Good, because I am an only child in search of siblings.”And so, while it is true that ideally, Christmas is above all a family time when we gather with immediate and extended families, it is also true in a much larger sense as well.We gather in our places of worship as part of the family of God in praise and thanksgiving around the Holy family, as brothers and sisters of Christ, in and through Christ.This is a family that transcends flesh and blood and human will, transcends age and race and social status shepherds and magi and choirs of angels worshipping together.Now some may ask, but what of the rest of humanity, those who do not share our beliefs as Christians? Are they to have no part in this new family?Or are we to keep ourselves separate from them? Are they out of God’s family? This is one of those big questions that is easier to ask than to answer.One way to come at the answer is to repeat in the spirit of Christmas the song of the angels at the birth of JesusGlory to God in the highest and peace, good will among men!Humanity unites, heaven and Earth unite around the birth of Jesus to sing of peace and good will.Surely it is in keeping with the will of God as he reveals himself in this birth to include all peoples in this good news.Our celebrations at Christmas prompt us to renew our desire and our commitment to find the way to harmony within our flesh and blood human families, our faith families and beyond that to all people of good will.May the joy of Christmas be with you, your family as you celebrate the birth of God’s new family. And may you find new ways to be the siblings God has made you in Christ.God bless you and keep you.