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Winter camp children donate presents for Miss Thang’s Christmas Wish List

Radio’s “Miss Thang” also known as Kristy Burgess got a helping hand for her Christmas Wish List, with presents from children enrolled in Government’s winter camp at the Gilbert Institute school.Their families took part in a “toy drive” to help Miss Thang get gifts for the 300 children and families on her list. The gifts will be officially presented today.“The exciting part of the wish list that it is a surprise,” she said.“Despite that the mother or grandmother might have nominated their family or someone else’s, they do not know for sure that they are on the wish list. So basically they are ‘wishing, waiting and hoping’ that they receive a phone call from me at 3pm, live from HOTT 1075.”After five years of running the programme, she said, this year’s turned out to be the most challenging.“The economic situation, and many people losing their jobs, has caused my wish list to triple.”After being serenaded with Christmas songs by Gilbert Camp students, however, Miss Thang declared herself “thankful and grateful”.