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Blakeney, Roban rolled out as PLP candidates

During a press conference Tuesday Progressive Labour Party Leader Paula Cox announced Glenn Blakeney is to run in Constituency 13 ( Photo by Glenn Tucker )

Incumbent MPs Glenn Blakeney and Walter Roban have been announced as the latest election candidates for the Progressive Labour Party.Mr Blakeney is to run again in Devonshire North Central, constituency 13, while Mr Roban campaigns on behalf of Pembroke East, constituency 15.Premier Paula Cox praised both as “veterans of the Party who are real standard bearers of justice and champions of the people, and for those who have PLP blood running strongly in their veins”.Noting that he has held his seat since the 2003 election, Mr Blakeney said he was a “results-driven team player” who had assisted his constituents with neighbourhood issues, ranging from road repairs to the installation of CCTV cameras.“It has also been quite a privilege to actually help a few of my constituents’ secure gainful employment,” he said.As founder of Inter-Island Communications and owner of the Bermuda Soul Record company, the Youth, Families and Sports Minister said he was equipped to understand the challenges facing businesses.He defended the Government’s achievements “despite disingenuous attempts to deny and demean our track record”.Mr Roban, who won the Pembroke East seat in 2007, told the gathering at Alaska Hall: “These past four years have been nothing more than life-changing for me.”He spoke of his constituency’s proud heritage and, invoking the party slogan of “building one another together”.“We have been doing just that in Pembroke East, from the building of retaining walls, the paving of roads and speed bumps, clearing of derelict homes and overgrown areas, working to improve street lighting and water access, improvements to the Pigs Field, security cameras and standing together against violence in the community.”He added: “Our Country is experiencing challenges like no other time in its history. Many people are hurting, looking for answers and help.”He pledged to work with his constituents and Government to provide “answers and solutions”.Calling the PLP “the people-loving party”, Mr Roban said he expected to serve long into the future “once we have an election victory”.The One Bermuda Alliance has meanwhile put forward Anthony Francis to challenge Mr Blakeney in Devonshire North Central, and Scott Stewart as a candidate in Pembroke East.

During a press conference Progressive Labour Party Leader Paula Cox announced that Walter Roban is to run in Constituency 15 ( Photo by Glenn Tucker )