Cruise ship pier repairs to begin next week
Repairs to a damaged thruster wall at Heritage Wharf - first revealed by The Royal Gazette last year - will begin next week, Government said today.Michael Weeks, Minister of Public Works today said: “It is public knowledge that the thruster wall sections of Heritage Wharf were damaged while Hurricane Igor passed Bermuda."While our initial concern was to determine the safety of this structure for use thorough a visual survey, the Ministry of Public Works carried out a more detailed investigation during the off season for cruise ships.“As a result of our investigations, and in order to provide confidence to the cruise ship lines and eliminate any liability of the Government of Bermuda, we are undertaking remedial works to the damaged wall."These works are scheduled to commence on Monday, April 16 weather permitting. The works will be undertaken by experienced Bermudian marine contractor Crisson Construction Limited.”The statement did not include the cost of the repairs.