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Permission sought to change Sunshine League to a special needs school

The Sunshine League Children’s Home is set to become a small special needs school and a rental space for events, according to a planning application.The application by the Sunshine League to change the use of the King’s Street building was granted conditional planning approval on April 15.According to the application, the facility will be dual use, with a section of the upper floor becoming a special needs school.“The school will occupy approximately 640sqft of the upper floor (four rooms and two bathrooms) and house eight students (four in the morning, four in the afternoon) Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 5.30pm.“They will also have ten students on Saturday between 9am and 1pm. The centre has five full time and one part time staff members.”According to the application, the western part of the building will be turned into an events area.“Members of the public will be able to rent the facility (including a kitchen) for a daily rate depending on their needs.”The application suggested that the 2,030sqft area could be used to house weddings, board meetings, social activities and weekend camps, hosting as many as 70 guests.The 92-year-old foster home announced it would close its doors last July due to the high cost of running a 24-hour programme and declining donations.Government had halved the charity’s annual grant from $200,000 to $100,000 in last year’s annual budget, but following the announced closing of the facility pledged to look at ways to keep the home open.Then Minister of Youth, Families and Sport Glenn Blakeney later announced that despite efforts by both parties, it was not deemed viable for Government to operate the facility.