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British family abandons fight to return to Bermuda

Stephen and Kirsty Tomlinson and their children, Holly and Joseph.

A British family kicked off the Island after living here for 20 years has abandoned its fight to return.Stephen Tomlinson and his wife Kirsty made headlines earlier this week after they called on the British Government to plead their case.The pair were today reported in the Hull Daily Mail as saying they no longer want to return to Bermuda, and will now settle in Britain.Mr Tomlinson, a 45-year-old paint sprayer, became redundant after the HWP fire last August. He said his application for a work permit at Mercedes dealership Far East Imports was declined and they were given less than a month to leave, despite their two children being born here."If I was told I could go back tomorrow, I wouldn't," he told the Daily Mail. "It's not worth the heartache."There's no point living on the edge thinking we could be sent home again in a year."I know this was always the case but after 20 years, most countries would give you permanent residency."We are not dragging Bermuda's name through the mud, we love the Country and the people."I could swim, snorkel and bike my days away. It was a great life."We are just disappointed in the way we were treated. After working hard for so long, we were given such a short time to pack up everything and leave."