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Unions join forces to ‘stand as one’

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Raymond Russell ignores the BIU?s boycott of KFC.

Union leaders hailed their solidarity yesterday as Bermuda Industrial Union announced it has joined Bermuda Trade Union Congress.BTUC president Shine Hayward and BIU president Chris Furbert said unions would now have more strength as they will be able to fight with one voice.Mr Hayward said one of the first moves will be to discuss whether fellow unions join the BIU’s boycott on Kentucky Fried Chicken following a row over a collective bargaining agreement.Fierce BIU critic Raymond Russell yesterday called on the public to ignore that boycott, claiming he doesn’t believe KFC has done anything wrong.Mr Furbert argued any trade unionist would understand why the BIU is fighting that issue in that manner, saying the protest is going well even if Mr Russell hasn’t given up his Colonel’s Combos.Speaking at a press conference at Bermuda Public Services Union’s headquarters, Mr Hayward noted Bermuda’s unions have come under pressure in recent times.He told the media: “This sends a message too all those who may be looking to bust unions, that they have got to dig much deeper now to bring any success.”Asked if businesses should now fear mass walkouts, Mr Hayward replied: “It’s not about fear, it’s about strength and unity.”The BTUC, which was set up in 2000, acts as a forum for trade unions to respond to shared challenges. It also consults with Government over employment law, but does not have power to negotiate with employers or call strikes.It already included Bermuda Public Services Union, Bermuda Union of Teachers, Bermuda Fire Services Association, Bermuda Prison Officers Association, Bermuda Electrical Supply Trade Union, Association of School Principals, Bermuda Federation of Musicians and Variety Artists.Yesterday, Mr Hayward and Mr Furbert would not say exactly why the BIU had opted out for so long, or what prompted its change of mind.“Whatever difference of opinion the TUC and BIU had in the past, is very definitely in the past,” said Mr Furbert.“For all those who are wondering why now: the BIU has decided to join. The trade unions in this Country have decided to become organised as one. We have decided to join because we think the fight is one voice, together.“We made the decision because it’s the right time to make it.”The BTUC was officially recognised by an amendment to the Trade Union Act in 2002. At that time, BIU president Derrick Burgess said it was considering joining, but since then no public reason has been given for its non membership.Mr Hayward described yesterday’s unification as historic, saying: “It is better to swim together than drown alone.”“We will stand as one. The BIU will have our support in solidarity and good faith.”Asked about the KFC boycott, he replied: “That, we have not talked about around the table as yet.”Mr Furbert called for the boycott last month, after claiming the franchise was revising the terms and conditions of its workers without negotiating with the BIU, and unfairly terminated the contract of employee Valerie Adams.KFC further angered the union by appearing to fight Economy Minister Patrice Minors’ order that the matter be sent to arbitration on Friday, May 4.Yesterday, community activist and former BIU member Mr Russell met The Royal Gazette at the fast foot joint in Queen Street, where he tucked into a Colonel’s Combo meal.“When I feel like eating nice chicken, I’ll eat here, and I’m not going to change. No cause to,” he said.“I’ve read the KFC’s position and think their decisions are being made for the best interest of staff, management and people of Bermuda.”Mr Russell said the conditions of pay, vacations and sick leave being proposed by KFC compare favourably with those working in hotels.“I would say Kentucky Fried Chicken have given their employees a little better deal than hotels did in their agreement from 2008 to 2011,” he said.“I couldn’t come up with anything in my heart of hearts to support a boycott of KFC.”He said if the BIU wants the whole Country to join in the boycott, Mr Furbert should head to Queen Street himself.“Chris Furbert and all are being paid by the same employees. They should be picketing if anybody is,” he said.Responding yesterday, Mr Furbert said: “Don’t follow Mr Russell. The boycott is going extremely well.“That’s the feedback we get from people working at KFC and people that go there, that things are not as they were, that the boycott’s been effective.“Mr Russell is not a trade unionist. A trade unionist would understand what our fight is against.”

Raymond Russell ignores the BIU?s boycott of KFC.
Bermuda Industrial Union president Chris Furbert shakes hands with Bermuda Union of Teachers president Mike Charles and the other union heads after joining the Trade Union Congress. (Photo by Mark Tatem)