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Diamond Jubilee flag hitch for Sea Cadets

An artist?s impression of Gloriana, the Royal Rowbarge, which will be taking part in the Thames Diamond Jubilee pageant along the river Thames on June 3. The Bermuda Sea Cadets Corp will also be represented in the flotilla pageant, but must wait to find out if they will be allowed to fly the flag of Bermuda or use to the flag of the Bahamas.

Bermuda’s Sea Cadet Corps have chosen their representatives for next month’s Diamond Jubilee procession in the UK — but which flag will they fly?Since the Island is not technically a Commonwealth nation, a possibility exists that our representatives in the flotilla could take to the Thames under the Bahamian flag.“The organisers are very sympathetic in considering our request that we be allowed to fly Bermuda’s flag,” Commanding Officer Lieutenant Michael Frith told The Royal Gazette.“I’m optimistic they will let us. Otherwise, we are carrying the Bahamian flag. That, in the way of it, just happens to be the flag we were allocated.”Other Overseas Territories would be in the same boat as Bermuda.The Island is privileged to join the 54 UK dinghies that will sail in a diamond formation before an estimated one million spectators on shore — and possibly a billion viewers around the globe — as part of the pageantry for the 60th anniversary of the crowning of Queen Elizabeth II.Sea Cadets Samuel Bennett, Ani Douglas, Jaeden Johnston and CJ Marshall, and coxswain Morgan Outerbridge have been chosen to represent the Island. Through sponsored rows and other fundraisers, the cadets have raised the $14,000 necessary to send the five to London on June 3.They will join about 950 other vessels in a diamond-shaped formation of boats that will have to manoeuvre around the supports of 14 bridges on its way down the Thames.“It’s quite ambitious as described by the Port of London Authority,” Lt Frith said. “There will be a quite extraordinary level of coordination. In the region of 300 personnel will have to be in the right place at the right time, all ready to go.”Protocol for the event has been arranged in tandem with the Marine Society and Sea Cadets Headquarters in London. According to Lt Frith, the organisers were “somewhat embarrassed” when the technicality of Bermuda’s flag came up.Fortunately, as Diamond Jubilees are uncommon events, their etiquette is not set in stone, Lt Frith said.“The cadets all recognised it’s a once-in-a-lifetime event,” he added. “They’re beside themselves with excitement.”Bermuda’s contingent will be accompanied by Petty Officer Ian Frith, and unit chairman Susan Outerbridge.l Useful websites: www.sccheadquarters.com, www.royal.gov.uk.