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Govt may charge prisoners for clothes

Prisoners will have to pay for their second set of clothing, underwear and footwear if a proposed plan moves forward.Government will also no longer foot the bill for health insurance coverage for all prisoners.Minister of Justice Kim Wilson announced the proposals in the Senate today as cost-cutting measures necessary “in these times of economic challenges”.She said they came about after “an analysis of the cost of insurance versus the actual amounts claimed”.“The result is that instead of insuring every inmate with HIP, the Department of Corrections insures approximately 40 inmates who have qualified for insurance,” said Senator Wilson.Inmates who qualify include those with long-term illnesses like diabetes.Sen Wilson said: “The costs of medical attention for the remaining inmates will be paid on a case-by-case basis as incurred.”Based on past claims she said: “It is anticipated that with this change Government will save between $200,000 and $300,000 during this budget year.”