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Men arrested after altercation near Causeway

An altercation broke out in the Blue Hole Hill area of Hamilton Parish leaving one person injured this afternoon.A police spokesman said: “Around 4.15pm, police and first responders attended a reported disturbance in the Blue Hole Hill, Hamilton Parish area.“Details are unclear at this time; however it appears that prior to arrival at least two people were involved in an altercation at that location. As a result, one person was injured; however their injuries are not believed to be serious.“Two suspects were subsequently arrested in connection with this incident. Inquiries are ongoing.”According to an eyewitness who spoke to The Royal Gazette, a police forensic team could be seen attending the small park on the left, just before the Causeway.Two men were also seen on the ground before being taken away by the police.The police spokesman encouraged any witnesses to call the main police number, 295-0011.