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Rockaway rush hour cancellation: Riders respond

For the second time this year, Rockaway commuters have been left without their usual way into Hamilton in the morning.As of Monday, the 7.55am Rockaway ferry has no longer been running, meaning passengers have had to make alternate plans.One Rockaway commuter, Alexa Roberts, said about the newly-cancelled ferry: “We would be elated for reinstatement, especially commuters who start work at 8.30am or want to be early for 9am.“Presently we have 7.20am for commuters who start work at 8am and 8.20am for those who start at 9am.“The 7.55am ferry was the in-between run which covered the commuters who commence work at 8.30 or 8.45am.”In an e-mail to The Royal Gazette on behalf of the Rockaway commuters, Ms Roberts, Lynn Hall and Maria MacPherson expressed their reaction to this second cancellation.“We understand that with the economic downturn we do need to ‘tighten our belts,’” they said.They added, however, that “We lost a large quantity of commuters as there was lots of confusion about the schedule and breakdowns” after the run was first cancelled in April.The commuters stated that “the number one reason for having fast ferries in the west, to alleviate the flow of traffic, is lost.”Ms Roberts, Ms Hall and Ms MacPherson organised a petition and meeting with government officials in April to get the 7.55am run reinstated.Then Transport Minister Derrick Burgess announced at the time that the Rockaway ferry service was being cut from eight to five runs to control costs.He stated that the economic downturn had led to fewer riders from Rockaway, so the schedule was being adjusted according to demand.After the run was returned to the schedule, Mr Burgess stated that it would operate until the end of June when summer vacation began for schools.There is currently an 8am ferry from Dockyard included in the summer schedule that arrives in Hamilton five minutes after the 7.55am Rockaway one would. Rockaway commuters were asked during the April meeting if that trip would be an adequate replacement.But both then and now, they responded that there are some issues with the alternate route.“The commuters using Rockaway ferries travel from many areas in the west, including Southampton, and Dockyard was not a midway point,” they said.“The Minister Derrick Burgess’ other suggestion was for us to drive over to Watford Bridge or Cavello Bay and board the ferry from there, but where do we park?“Rockaway was built specifically for accessible parking and commuting using the new fast ferries.”The Rockaway commuters who attended the meeting in April were told that cancelling the 7.55am ferry would allow for an 8am ferry from Dockyard to accommodate cruise ship passengers.But they questioned whether there was enough demand from cruise ship passengers at that hour of the morning just to justify the switch.The summer ferry schedule listed on the Sea Express page does list an 8am Dockyard departure, while the one on the Marine and Ports website does not.