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Assistant Commissioner Mirfield’s ‘lateral’ move allows promotion of three Bermudian officers

Minister of National Security Wayne Perinchief shakes hands with newly appointed Officers Superintendent Darrin Simons, Assistant Commissioner of Police Antoine Daniels and Superintendent Sean Field-Lament after a press conference held to make the announcements of their promotions at the Hamilton Police Station Thursday ( Photo by Glenn Tucker )

Two years after his appointment, Assistant Commissioner of Police David Mirfield has made a lateral move that facilitated the promotion of three senior Bermudian officers.Police Commissioner Michael DeSilva announced the promotions at a news conference held yesterday. After 27 years of service Antoine Daniels has been promoted to the rank of Assistant Commissioner.Sean Field-Lament who also has 27 years under his belt has been promoted to Superintendent along with Darrin Simons who joined the service 18 years ago.In making the announcement Mr DeSilva said: “Each officer has their own list of training and experience — both here in Bermuda and overseas — but one thing they have in common is that they are all graduates of the International Commanders Programme held by the Police Staff College at Bramshill in the United Kingdom.”National Security Minister Wayne Perinchief announced that a new Temporary Assistant Commissioner post has been established which has been approved by both the Governor and the Public Service Commission.“This means that Mr Mirfiield will take a lateral step outside of the chain of operational command and he will focus on helping the Commissioner to implement strategic plans on tackling serious crime,” said Mr Perinchief.“His specific remit will include building more investigative capacity in the area of serious crime and gang targeting and improving existing enforcement methods to seize criminal assets and cash,” he added.Mr Mirfield’s remit also involves “developing systems that support witness protection agreements made with the United Kingdom and other territories and developing a covert policing strategy”.He will also represent the Bermuda Police Service on the Interagency Gang Task Force and be responsible for “implementing key recommendations made in HMIC inspection of the service.“The specialist nature of his experience and training is an asset to the police and I am pleased that we have the opportunity to benefit further from his services as we build on our enforcement efforts against guns, gangs, drugs and violence,” said Mr Perinchief.“These crimes remain the focus of the police as they continue their work towards making Bermuda safer,” he added.Mr Mirfield was hired in 2010 as Assistant Commissioner of Police for serious crime in Bermuda.The Minister said: “He filled an existing vacancy on a two-year contract in order to give local officers time to be developed for the rank.“Today’s promotions confirm that the development programmes worked, and three Bermudian officers now take senior positions in the Bermuda Police Service,” said Mr Perinchief.“Mr Mirfield has helped the BPS to make significant gains in murder investigations, intelligence gathering and witness protection.“He had been selected for the post based on his depth of experience as a serious crime investigator in charge of gang crimes, murder, kidnap, child abuse, forensics and surveillance.“With these skills in mind, the Commissioner of Police made a case for me to consider extending Mr Mirfield’s employment with the BPS,” said Mr Perinchief.Mr Daniels joined the service as a cadet in 1984 and has “successfully led a number of high profile murder investigations”.He was promoted to the rank of Superintendent and appointed as head of the Serious Crime Division in October 2009.He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice Administration from the University of Phoenix and has completed several police training course in Bermuda and overseas.Supt Simons joined the service in 1993 and is a member of the BPS Crisis Incident Stress Management Team.He is also an accredited Gold Firearms Incident Commander who has received training from the FBI and the DEA in the United States.Supt Sean Field-Lament joined the service in 1985 and has worked in a variety of posts, most recently as head of the Drug and Financial Crime Units.He is a former member of the Emergency Response Team and is currently an accredited Gold Firearms Incident Commander.He too has received training from the DEA and FBI, in addition to training under the Metropolitan Police in London and the RCMP in Canada.