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St Baldrick’s shavers raise more than $350,000 for cancer research

St Baldricks - Alana Anderson, raised over $17,000 for St Baldrick's (Photo by Mark Tatem). File photo.

Brave head shavers raised more than $350,000 for research into children’s cancer.Earlier this year dozens of people took part in St Baldrick’s Day — having their head shaved to raise money for the researchToday it was revealed that they had raised the amazing total of $372,571 — money that will help fund new research by doctors in Boston.Kate Daly, St Baldrick’s Foundation events Bermuda Chairwoman, said: “This year’s head-shaving events in Bermuda have raised the amazing total of $372,571 of which the majority was donated online to the SBF, headquartered in California. Of the total donations however, $82,311 (22percent) were made locally to PALS Children’s Care Fund. We’re very thankful to all of the participants, those who so generously donated to this event, and to our volunteers.”For the last ten years PALS has partnered with the St Baldrick’s Foundation, founded in 2000, which sponsors head-shaving events around the world and is committed to funding research to find cures for childhood cancers.Supporters of shavees donate on the understanding that their contributions go towards such research. Donors in Bermuda either pay direct to SBF in California or to PALS Children’s Care Fund whose primary purpose is to provide care and support for young cancer patients in Bermuda, and some money from SBF head shaving events is indeed utilised for that purpose.Ann Smith Gordon, President and CEO of PALS, said: “We are delighted to announce that the Board of Directors of PALS has committed to fund from its Children’s Care Fund two additional paediatric cancer research studies by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston totalling nearly $380,000, payable over the next three years. Because of the Bermuda medical community’s strong relationship with Dana-Farber, it is the Board’s policy that grants of these funds should be awarded to research physicians at that Institute.”Treasurer of PALS, John Hill added: “As a result of these ‘head shaving’ funds, to date PALS has been able to grant from its Children’s Care Fund a total of $1,383,736 in paediatric cancer research awards to physicians associated with Dana-Farber. Every one of the research projects has first been scientifically reviewed and approved by SBF’s medical panels.”“The local SBF committee has done a wonderful job organising the main Bermuda event, which keeps outgrowing its venue,” Mr. Hill added. “It began at the Robin Hood, moved to the BAA Clubhouse and is now held at the BAA Gym in March each year on the Friday nearest St Patrick’s Day. There is also a private event at Saltus where students shave their heads for this great cause.”