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Johnny Barnes sits pretty after being given a bench

Johnny Barnes greets morning traffic from his newly installed bench at his Foot of the Lane post . (Photo by Mark Tatem)

Johnny Barnes now has a bench to sit on at his post at Crow Lane.Its arrival follows a push by resident Ron Spencer who grew concerned after the 89-year-old suffered a fall while waving to morning commuters.Talks with Hamilton Mayor Graeme Outerbridge and the Department of Works and Engineering led to assurances that a permanent seat for Mr Barnes would be placed at the Paget roundabout.Mr Spencer yesterday told The Royal Gazette he was glad to learn the bench had finally arrived.“I went by to talk to Johnny because I was concerned he was standing in mud after all the rain we got [this week], but there was no bench there,” he said. “It must have been put up after we left this morning.“I had a long chat with Works and Engineering about the bench and they told me that they were going to do something about it but I didn’t know when it would happen.”Contacted yesterday Mr Barnes said he hadn’t yet seen the bench but was thrilled one had been given to him.“Thank God for that. Thank God for that. Now they need to put a railing there so that I can get up if they haven’t done that too. I’d like to thank them very, very much.”Peter Havlicek of the Ministry of Public works told The Royal Gazette: “We are getting a wooden handrail made up. This should be placed in the next few days.”