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Neck-chop machete case looms tomorrow

A man accused of chopping another man in the neck during a machete attack in Pembroke is due to stand trial tomorrow at Supreme Court.Gregory Tucker, nicknamed “Marka T.”, denies causing grievous bodily harm with intent to do so to Kevin DeRosa, nicknamed “Snot”, on March 3.He also denies having a machete in a public place Elliott Street in Pembroke on the same date.A jury of eight women and four men was selected yesterday to hear the case. Acting Justice Juan Wolffe told them that prosecutors allege Mr Tucker attacked Mr DeRosa around 8pm to 8.30pm, using a machete to inflict deep lacerations to the back of his neck, his scalp, his right wrist and right thumb.Prosecutor Maria Sofianos explained that the jury will hear from a number of witnesses including police officers, an emergency medical technician, and possibly an orthopaedic surgeon.She explained that Mr Tucker “either worked or works at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital or at Tucker's Point”, and “his nickname is Marka T I believe he has something to do with the music industry.”Evidence in the case is due to begin tomorrow, and the trial is expected to last for around a week.Mr Tucker, of Happy Valley Road, Pembroke, is on bail and is represented by lawyer Charles Richardson. Ms Sofianos is joined by Susan Mulligan in representing the Crown.