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Leo Mills retires from duty counsel and legal aid work

Lawyer Leo Mills has retired as Legal Aid counsel in the Ministry of Justice.Mr Mills announced his retirement in Magistrates’ CourtHe said in an address to the court at the end of yesterday’s proceedings: “Today marks my final appearance as duty counsel and legal aid.”Mr Mills went on to express his gratitude to the court for the “courtesy” extended to him.“I certainly and greatly appreciate the courtesy extended to me and I thank my friends (prosecution and defence bar) for the courtesy extended and have been very happy for their support.”He added as a joke: “This is my third attempt at retirement; we’ll see how it works out this time.”Said Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner: “I want to thank you for your services, not only to this court, but also to the community at large.“I hope that other counsel have watched you during your years here and managed to learn something from your deportment and other skills which you possess, and good luck.”When asked later if he would be retiring from legal practice, Mr Mills said: “Not necessarily I’m standing back for a bit of a breather.”