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Dog parks to open by end of the year

News that Bermuda will have three dog parks by the end of the year has been welcomed by dog lovers.But there is some concern about how they will be managed.The parks, which had been scheduled to start coming on line in April this year, will be in Astwood Park North, Happy Valley Park and Penhurst Park.A Parks Department spokesperson said that designs have been completed and tenders had been sent out.Linda Mello, a dog owner described the development as “fantastic news” which will be especially welcomed by dog owners who do not have enough space on their property for their pets to play and exercise.“Of course it will be up to responsible dog owners to ensure that their pets have been properly socialised to play safely with other dogs,” she added.And Lisa Whitehead, another supporter of the planned parks, wondered how the Parks Department would control irresponsible dog owners.“There are definitely people out there who are going to let their dogs run. How are they going to control them?” Ms Whitehead asked.Ms Mello also called for a designated beach for dogs. Beaches are off limits to dogs during the summer months.The Parks Department asked that members of the public can call them for more information at 236-5902.But no one from the Parks Department responded to this newspaper’s additional queries about the dog parks by presstime last night.