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Public barred from national track can exercise next door

( Photo by Glenn Tucker )Concern about wear and tear to the running track at the National Sports Centre has prompted restriction to its use. Members of the public can use the adjacent North Field for exercising.

Trustees of the National Sports Centre have revised a plan to restrict access to the facility after an outcry by regular users.But members of the public are not allowed to use the main running track unless they are members of the Bermuda Track and Field Association.Instead a path at the North Field is accessible to early morning users.The Royal Gazette received complaints from early morning users of the facility that they had been barred from the NSC.In response to our queries, the Ministry of Youth Families and Sport confirmed that the NSC trustees had restricted access to the facility, which had been subjected to “considerable wear and tear” and “significant vandalism”.After spending $20,000 on track repairs in advance of the Carifta Games, the NSC trustees had been advised by the track installers to control access to the facility and limit it only to professional athletes and people training for organised competitions, a Ministry spokesperson said.“This would not only reduce the potential for future instances of vandalism, but also reduce the wear and tear,” the spokesperson said.“To this end, and in a further effort to allow Bermuda’s one and only track to protect its international certification, following the repairs, access to the running track was restricted to members and affiliates of the Bermuda Track and Field Association, and access to the Centre has been restricted to hours when there is staff on duty — that is between 7am and 9pm.”The spokesperson went on to say that the NSC will be hosting the Corporate Games in October and the NatWest Island Games in July 2013.“The track will be subject to rigorous inspections in advance of both events. To ensure that the facilities maintain their accreditation, the Trustees have continued the practice of limiting access to the running track to authorised users,” the spokesperson said.“Notwithstanding, the Government is aware of the need for exercise and healthy living, and encourages everyone to utilise their best efforts in this regard. The National Sports Centre has become a very convenient and popular venue for early morning joggers, walkers, and even serious athletes, and has been so for a number of years.“Since this practice has been curtailed, the Board Chairman and staff at the NSC have been inundated with calls to resume the practice of allowing access to the facility early in the morning.“To ensure that the practice of healthy living is encouraged, but in furtherance of the effort to protect and preserve the running track, the North Field is now opened at 5.30 every morning, and the early morning walkers and joggers are encouraged to come and resume their normal activities, however at the North Field at the NSC.“The North Field, which also facilitates the cricket pavilion, has a purpose built track going around the perimeter, and there is ample and convenient parking on site. This has proven to be very popular, and very successful. Users are encouraged to use this facility to continue to develop the general health and well-being for which we all so enthusiastically strive.”Government later said that a ministerial statement had been made on the issue at the end of April this year.