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Govt announces new public-private initiative

Women to be trained as cosmetologists as part of public-private initiative.

Face and Body Shop has partnered with Government agencies to train 12 young women as cosmetologists.The 12 will participate in a certified nail technician programme, an initiative undertaken in partnership with the National Training Board and the Bermuda College's Professional and Career Education Division (PACE).The three-month programme – a combination of theory and practical experience – will be conducted on the Island, in a classroom and salon setting.The initiatve was announced by Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Patrice Minors at a press conference this afternoon.To be accepted into the programme, the women were required to:- be registered as unemployed with the Department of Labour and Training;- have a high school certificate or equivalent;- attend a mandatory orientation/assessment seminar;- attend a mandatory customer service workshop.Teresa Bean, Tahirah Baker, Shawnel Burt, Cammie Caines, Jessica DeCosta, Melanie Dunn, Cinamin Lovell, Shermaine Murphy, Dawnelle Outerbridge, Jerkeisha Simons, Chikira Smith and Tunisa Wales were all selected as participants.Classes begin on Tuesday and will end on December 21.