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Helmet policy defended by livery company

Oleander Cycles has defended its helmet policy after a reader expressed concern when she saw a bicycle helmet hanging from a livery cycle.

Concerns over tourists’ safety were raised by a woman worried that they were being rented improper helmets.Karen Jones contacted The Royal Gazette after she spotted a bicycle helmet attached to an Oleander Cycles rental scooter last week.“I started to wonder whether they were actually renting motorcycles and giving people pedal bike not crash helmets.“It would be a different story if it was a random bicycle helmet, but it had the [Oleander] sticker,” she said.A spokesman for the livery company insisted things weren’t exactly as they seemed.He said the company always issues the proper helmets and warns customers they must use them while riding.“When people rent a bike, they get a proper helmet, and when they rent a bicycle they get a bicycle helmet. The helmet comes with the bike.“We do tell customers that to ride they need to wear a proper helmet but when people get to their rooms, if they decide to change helmets there’s not a lot we can do.“We warn people about helmets just like we tell people to lock their handbags in the seat rather than leave them in the basket seconds later, it’s in the basket.”According to the Auxiliary Bicycles Act 1954, it is an offence to drive or ride an auxiliary cycle on a highway if either the rider or any passenger is not wearing protective headgear.Legislation requires that protective headgear must comply with British, US or UN standard regulations.Ms Jones said she spotted the cycle parked near the Supermart on Front Street, with a bicycle helmet and a motorcycle helmet attached.She said that it was possible that it was a situation in which the rider couldn’t locate a proper crash helmet, but she felt visitors must be properly warned about the risk posed by not wearing proper headgear.“They need to make sure they are getting across the message that by not wearing a proper helmet, you are putting your life at risk,” she said.