Hurricane closures and cancellations
A number of stores and businesses pulled their shutters down early in anticipation of Tropical Storm Leslie.The following announcements were made yesterday:l Cashier windows at Belco closed early yesterday, meaning no payments were accepted after 4.45pm.l Capital G Bank Limited will close its in-branch and call centre services today, although it operated as normal until 5pm yesterday. Customers were encouraged to use Capital G’s eBanking portal and ATM network while in-branch services remain unavailable. Capital G is expected to open as normal on Monday, pending a full assessment of its physical infrastructure following the storm. For further Capital G updates, visit, Facebook/Capital-G-Bank or Twitter @CapitalGBank.l The Anglican Parish of Pembroke and Paget have cancelled services over the weekend.l The Gibbons Company will open today from 9.30am to 5pm. It will be closed tomorrow. For details of online shopping, visit, or get updates at Facebook/GibbonsCompanyStore.l The Destination Dockyard tourist event is officially cancelled for Monday.l The Clocktower Mall will be closed today, tomorrow and Monday.