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CoH: BMDS 2012 panto will go ahead at City Hall Theatre

Leave the Christmas panto out in the cold?Not true, according to the Corporation of Hamilton.The group last night responded to reports that the Bermuda Musical and Dramatic Society had been taken by surprise when another act booked their traditional Christmas slot in City Hall.A Corporation spokeswoman told The Royal Gazette that, contrary to our report, there had been no change on previous years — the BMDS was just beaten to it.After several decades, the BMDS will have to use its own theatre for its 2013 pantomime — as a different production takes the stage at City Hall next year. The BMDS will keep its usual venue for this year’s ‘Aladdin’, however.According to the spokeswoman, there has been “no policy change in recent years on the renting of the City Hall Theatre”.Recognising that the society has enjoyed the use of the theatre for many years, she added: “In this instance, an organisation came to City Hall to book the space for the Christmas period 2013. Their paperwork was completed and their deposit paid appropriately.”Neither the BMDS nor any other show was confirmed at the time the deposit was taken.As for failing to let the BMDS know, the Corporation said that wasn’t quite the case. “Recognising that they are a long-standing client, the Events Projects Manager contacted the BMDS and made every attempt to accommodate both parties. “This was not successful — therefore, as per the policy, the organisation which completed the paperwork and paid their deposit first was granted full use of the space.”The Corporation said it looked forward to a warm relationship with all parties going forward.All forms and policies can be found on the website www.cityofhamilton.bm.