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Saltus Grammar headmaster to retire in 2013

Saltus Grammar School Headmaster Ted Staunton

Saltus headmaster Ted Staunton will retire in June 2013, it was announced today.In a letter to parents, students, staff and alumni Mr Saltus wrote: “My wife, Jane, and I intend to retire in Southern Ontario close to our three daughters and our five grandchildren.“After 40 years of involvement in private schools, the time has come to focus solely on family.”Mr Staunton said he thoroughly enjoyed his time at Saltus and considered it a privilege to have served the school as its ninth headmaster.“Entering my final year, I remain as enthusiastic as I was on my first day. While there have been numerous challenges, I am pleased with the progress we have made in many areas of the school,” he wrote.The headmaster praised his “hardworking” and “talented” staff and students.He revealed that he told chairman of the school board Gil Tucker of his plans to retire in June 2012.In his own letter, Mr Tucker wrote: “We have been fortunate as a school community to have enjoyed Ted’s strong and able leadership as he guided our school through a significant management transition and forward through challenging times.”Mr Tucker said the board of directors is “now very much focused on the search for Ted’s successor, and to ensuring a smooth and seamless transition in leadership”.A committee has been set up to search for Mr Staunton’s successor.