Repairs to close St George’s police station for six weeks
St George’s Police Station will be closed for repairs for the next six weeks, according to a Police spokesman.The spokesman said that policing operations for the East End will continue to operate on a 24-hour basis from the Southside Police Station in St David’s.“A phone located on the outside of the St George’s station will continue to automatically connect the user to the Station Duty Officer at Southside Police Station,” the spokesman said.“All units normally housed at St George’s station will be temporarily relocated to Southside station with the exception of the Town Constable, Pc Litanya Smith, who in order to remain within the town throughout her shifts will work from the Joint Customs Marine Police office on Ordnance Island for the duration of the repairs.”The St George’s Police Station was previously closed in January of 2007 for work. It was reopened in 2009 but with limited hours of operation.Since then, Police have said that there is a 24-hour police presence in the town, but many in the East End have called for the station to be turned back into a fully-functional station.