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Work for Crime Stoppers recognised by award

John Drew is the latest recipient of the Bermuda CableVision award for his hard work and dedication to charity work.Mr Drew, chairman of Crime Stoppers Bermuda, received the prestigious award and cheque for $1,000 at the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute (BUEI) from CableVision general manager Terry Roberson.Also on hand was Minister of National Security Wayne Perinchief.“I got involved with Crime Stoppers as I felt that on an island of this size a confidential means of reporting crimes was vital,” said Mr Drew.“In a small community people are going to be fearful of talking to the police and being identified as an informant of witness as the repercussions can be serious.”Minister Perinchief added:”I know personally of the time commitment and hard work that John has put in to making Crime Stoppers the success it is today on this Island.“It not only helps to solve crime and ensure that offenders receive the punishment they deserve, but also Crime Stoppers Bermuda serves as a detteren as would-be criminals recognize its power of detection and have second thoughts.”