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Devonshire warehouse blaze under control

A Devonshire warehouse broke out in flames this afternoon.

One-third of a Devonshire warehouse was destroyed during a fire this afternoon.No-one was injured in the blaze which broke out at Bermuda Mechanical Building - firefighters have since brought it under control and an investigation has been launched to determine the cause.Said a Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service spokeswoman: "This afternoon at 12.59pm, a 911 call was received reporting a structural fire at 10 Marsh Lane known as the Bermuda Mechanical Building."Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service responded with four fire appliances, four support vehicles and 30 personnel. The first fire appliance arrived on scene at 1.07pm to find a two-storey commercial warehouse completely involved in smoke and flames. Initially two firefighters in breathing apparatus proceeded to force entry into the building and fight the fire."Six additional firefighters in breathing apparatus helped bring the fire under control with the use of "an additional water source", the spokeswoman added.She continued: "At 3.30pm the fire was successfully bought under control and only hot spots were being attended to."One-third of the building was completely destroyed, and it appears that two-thirds remain unaffected by the fire. Thankfully no-one was in the building at the time and no injuries were reported. A complete and thorough investigation will be conducted to determine the cause."