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Corporation seeks probe into City trust

The Corporation of Hamilton has officially called for an investigation into the Trust that was responsible for its property assets.The Democracy Trust was set up by the former administration in an attempt to protect the organisation’s assets against a takeover by Government. A legal fund was also set aside for the Trust.Last week Ombudsman Arlene Brock announced that she will be conducting an investigation into an alleged “lack of transparency” at City Hall, in the wake of concerns about a secret lease signed by the current administration for the redevelopment of Hamilton’s waterfront.But City bosses hit back, suggesting that the probe was launched because of “prior purloined documentation and information spirited away from the Corporation of Hamilton by some malcontent”.Deputy Mayor Donal Smith said that any inquiry should focus on how the Corporation was run under former Mayor Charles Gosling and his administration.And Mayor Graeme Outerbridge has now confirmed that the Corporation has written to authorities asking for a probe.In a statement, Mayor Outerbridge said: “During a meeting held on March 25, by the City of Hamilton Council, a resolution was passed asking for the Office of the Ombudsman, the Auditor General, the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Attorney General’s Chambers, to conduct an exhaustive investigation on the legality, the intent, the purpose, the duration of the effect and ownership of, the persons and entities, corporate and otherwise involved in the setting up and management of the Democracy Trust.“Communication has been sent to these respective offices stating the Council’s concerns and asking for a full investigation.”