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Young Bermudian heads for career on the high seas

Young apprentice Tony Correia, off to sail the seas courtesy of Frontline Shipping, takes a closer look at oil tankers with deputy pilot warden Mario Thompson, plus Frontline’s head of corporate administration Georgina Sousa.

Another young Bermudian is off to sea, courtesy of an ongoing partnership between Frontline Shipping and the Department of Marine and Ports.Engineering cadet Tony Correia, a trainee with the Department, has been offered a berth on his first ever deep sea deployment, aboard the container ship SFL Hunter.The programme, for which Mr Correia is the fourth Bermudian trainee, will see the cadet earning his Engineering Officer of the Watch Certificate over three years.Setting out from Singapore, the trainee’s journey will cover Far Eastern ports Tanjung Pelepas, Hong Kong, Yantian, Kaoshiung, Keelung, Ningbo, Shanghai, Busan, Kwangyang, Xiamen and Jakarta.