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Lloyd Webbe honoured with top photography award

(Photo by Akil Simmons)Photographer Lloyd Webbe with the PRISM Award. Pictured from the left are Cindy Campbell, Lloyd Webbe and Mayor Graeme Outerbridge.

Safari leader and photography teacher, Lloyd Webbe, is this year’s recipient of the AFL Prism Award, a prestigious lifetime achievement award for photography in Bermuda.

Mr Webbe, 79, first started taking pictures as a teenager and since then has photographed many Governors, members of the Royal Family and worked for private high profile clients.

The award was presented this evening in a special ceremony at the Masterworks Museum. Photographers are chosen by members of the Bermuda Professional Photographic Association (BPPA) and Masterworks. It is supported by AFL Investments.

“I feel flattered to win the Prism Award,” said Mr Webbe. “It is nice when your clients get excited about what you have done, but they have paid for it, so they have a reason to be excited. When your peers choose you that is really special. To hear some of your peers saying that you stand out for an award, that is really special.”

Mr Webbe is the third photographer to win the AFL Prism Award. The first two recipients were retired Royal Gazette photographer Tony Cordeiro and Ed Kelly.

Mr Webbe was presented with a custom-made, cut-glass prism trophy at a special ceremony held this evening at Masterworks Museum of Bermuda Art. Representatives of the arts and photographic communities in Bermuda attended the presentation of the award. Launched in 2011, the AFL Prism Award is a unique platform for recognising the talent and skill of Bermuda-based professional photographers.

Mr Webbe’s brother Charles said: “Lloyd is the only person I know who managed to make his job his hobby and his hobby his job.”

Mr Webbe turned his hobby into his profession when he opened a photography studio in the Cannons Residence in 1977. With no professional training, he began taking passport photos and learned his craft by keen observation and experimentation. He excelled in his craft.

This year’s winner has always been willing to share his knowledge and to support Bermuda’s amateur and professional photographers alike. He has helped hundreds of students find their voice through their camera by conducting Photographic Techniques courses through the Government’s Community Education programme. Mr Webbe was also a founding member of the BPPA and served four consecutive terms as president.

He has published much of his work in exciting photographic collections including: White Tail Tropic Bird, Erotic Nature, Random Shooting and Down the Road. His subject matter is from Bermuda and the many countries he has visited.

Mr Webbe has a special way of finding unique and stunning images in both the ordinary and the extraordinary. His boldness and willingness to experiment with his photographic techniques has transformed his subjects into works of art.

Graeme Outerbridge, of the BPPA, said: “We are delighted to recognise Lloyd Webbe with the third annual AFL Prism Award. Lloyd’s photographic portfolio is considerable and includes hundreds of weddings, as well as public events of historic significance such as the first reading of the riot act in Bermuda. He has played a central role in the development of his field on the Island and is a founding member and past president of the


Cindy Campbell, chief operating officer of AFL Investments, said it was a privilege to be able to recognise Mr Webbe for his photography accomplishments with the AFL Prism Award.

“We are delighted, once again, to be partnering with BPPA to produce this inspirational programme that is designed to cast a spotlight on the masters of Bermuda’s photographic industry. As a Bermudian company, supporting the local arts scene is an important undertaking for us.”

A special AFL Prism Award website has been launched to showcase Mr Webbe’s photography. It can be accessed via AFL Investments website, www.aflinvestments.bm, by clicking on the AFL Prism Award banner.

AFL Prism Award winner Lloyd Webbe